
Berlin Barat Hotel
Jl Letjen Haryono MT 96, Banjarsari, Glagah
+62 333 421323

Very much aimed at the budget traveller. Good clean rooms arranged around an open courtyard. Western toilets but no hot water.

Ketapang Indah Hotel
Jl Gatot Subroto Km6
+62 333 422280

Waterfront cottages only 10 minutes from Ketapang ferry terminal. Good sized swimming pool and restaurant.

Mirah Hotel
Jl Yos Sudarso, Klatak, Giri.
+62 333 420600‎
from Rp 170,000

Very conveniently located just minutes south of Ketapang ferry terminal.

Wisma Blambangan
Jl Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo 4, Karangrejo
+62 333 421598

Budget accommodation in the town.

There is a lot of fairly identikit budget accommodation in Banyuwangi and there are often several well-meaning and well-mannered touts at Ketapang terminal eager to take you to their option. Not such a bad thing to play along - it will cost you little if any, extra.

Ijen Hotel
Desa Licin
+62 858 68611921

A nice hotel with bungalows and private villas. Opened in 2005. Offers a range of activities at Ijen including climbing up to the crater, trekking in the foothills and visits to local villages.

Manyar Hotel
Jl Gatot Subroto 74
+62 333 424741
right at Ketapang ferry terminal

This is a rather souless hotel but it is very convenient indeed for a one night stopover before or after taking the the ferry.